7 Wonders Duel: Agora
7 Wonders Duel: Agora
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adventgames (33308)
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 Ages:  10 and up 
 Players:  2
 Playing Time:  30 mins 

7 Wonders Duel: Agora features a new board called the Senate, comprising six separate chambers that provide players with benefits once they take possession of the area. Players can obtain a Senate chamber by taking senator cards. Should any player successfully take control of the majority of Senate chambers then they automatically win the game.

1 Senate board
24 Influence cubes (12 bronze and 12 silver)
13 Senator cards (7 Politicians and 6 Conspirators)
2 Wonder cards
16 Conspiracy cards
16 Decree tokens
2 Progress tokens
4 Military tokens
1 score pad
1 Player Aid card
1 rulebook

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