Long-lasting Antlers are shed by deer and left in the wild - and we never let a naturally good thing go to waste.
Whole Antlers are just right for doggos with a bit more bite to their bark. If they were human they would tackle a
jaw-breaker and get through to the gummy centre, the're the holy-grail of chews with a whole lotta health benefits.
Rich in the good stuff like calcium and phosphorous, they scrape away tartar build up by a massive 70%.
Easy to love and hard on the chew to fight dental disease and keep your dog's smile selfie-ready.
We suggest treating your doggo for up to 30 minutes a day and supervised with this treat.
Feeding Guidelines
While your furry friend would probably love to eat the whole bag, WAG treats are not complete diets,
rather a healthy snack in between meals. And even though steak is delicious, wouldn't you get bored
eating it all the time? Dogs are the same so mix it up. We suggest treating your doggo for up to 30 minutes a day and supervised with this treat.
Supervision is key!
Make sure your Antler is large enough so there is no possibility they could choke on it
Check your Antler for any possible sharp edges. If there are any, you can wear them down by rubbing it against concrete or sandpaper
If the Antler becomes dirty, you can wash it in warm soapy water and then rinse it well
If you pup isn't interested straight away, you can soak it in some Beef or Chicken stock
Make sure your pup isn't bearing down to hard on it. If they are, it's best to take it away!
Once the Antler gets worn down to a small size, remember to take it away so there's no possibility of them choking on it