Standard paint tube 25g
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Paint colours

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hobbeytex (5997)
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Fast drying, permanent, multipurpose craft and fabric paint in the unique ball-point tube.
Colours illustrated are as accurate as printing reproduction will permit.
All regular ball-point paints are made in Australia.

Reviews (2)
Name : Susan Dridan
Location : Darwin
Title : Love my hobby text
Review : I love it,my mum had it when I was a kid and was doing it then And now I am loving it more than ever. It's like I am obsessed with it.

Name : julie
Location :
Title :
Review : loved it as a kid, it was something our family enjoyed, now i am teaching my grand kids

Questions (15)
Just wondering if introducing limited edition colours is a regular thing? If so, should I keep checking to see if you release more colours on a limited basis, or does this only happen occassionally? Thank you. Your service is fantastic!

Hi Elizabeth, we have been bringing back some of the old colours for a limited time, over the past 5 years, with a new pack of 5 usually once each year. The next pack should be out mid next year and put on the Specials Leaflet. Glad you like the service :-) Regards Jenny

Hi I have being sorting out my mum's hobbytex she has significantly more colours than what you have available online and in your catalogue. She has colours an additional 36 colours in addition to the colours you have in your catalogue, 22 Fine Line embroidery and decorator paint and 14 plain pak. Are these still available?

Hi, over the years we have consolidated our range to 30 permanent Hobbytex colours as many colours were similar to others. The Plain Pak were a once off "no-frills" range about 35 years ago. All our hundreds of items available to paint now are charted in those 30 colours. If you have items that need a colour we no longer have, then there is usually a close substitute available, which I can recommend. We have also been bringing back some of those previously discontinued colours, for a limited time over the past couple of years. Regards Jenny

Do you need the guard or are they for storage rack.

Hi Peri, the standard sized Hobbytex aluminium tubes are fairly soft and will be harder to hold and use without the Tube Guards, especially after their first use. You really need them for painting more so than storing in the Toter. Regards Jenny

Hello, picture require number 6 but there is no 6. What can I use instead?

Hi, you can use 9 Scarlet or 69 Bittersweet as a substitute for 6 Coral. Regards Jenny

Can you please advise if Number 49 in Pirates Gold is iridescent/metallic? Thank you ..

Hi Jill, Number 49 Pirates Gold is not metallic or sparkly. It is a flat old-gold like browny-yellow in colour. We have a sparkly glitter gold in our set of 6 Tulip Glitter paints item 1241 (on special for $20/set of 6 colours). Regards Jenny

Hi, I have Hobbytex paints from many many years ago. They have written on them ‘Fine line embroidery & decorator paint’ Do you still have the ‘fine line’ paints?

Hi Helen, yes they are the same paints that we still have now, just with an updated tube colour design. Same shape tube and same tips. Regards Jenny

Hi there, I have the old tubes of paint and they have all hardened from sitting for years. Is there a way to recover them or do I just throw them away? I am in South Africa, do you know of any distributors here?

Hi, if the paint has just gone hard in the ball point tips then you can unscrew them and put on a new tip. If the paint has gone completely hard in the tube then there is nothing you can do. Many of our customers have had paints for over 20 or 30 years and can still use them once they put a new tip on. You can order the tips and we can post them to you in South Africa. Email me: if you would like me to help you. Regards Jenny

Brushed Microfiber Pillow Cover can you paint on this fabric

Hi, the Hobbytex spirit-based paints are designed to go on all fabrics. You may prefer to use the Jumbo Tips for painting on the microfiber material as it has a raised surface, so the Jumbo tips will allow more paint to come out easier than the regular tips. If the material is stretchy then you would need to stretch the fabric over the oval hoop to keep the material held taut whilst painting. otherwise you can place a blotter sheet inside the pillow case whilst painting, so the paint doesn't go through to the other side. Regards Jenny

Do the paints come with plastic tube guards or do I need to get them separately Regards Corinne Pinner

Hi Corinne, when you order the paints in a kit, they come with the guards. However, when you order the paints individually they don't come with a guard. The guards can be ordered for $1 each. Regards Jenny

Hi, just wondering if the paint tubes come with removable tips or the non-removable ones?

Hi yes the tips are removable. You can unscrew the old tips and screw in a new one. We sell replacement tips in packs of 3, 10, 25 and 50. Regards Jenny

I have a half finished tablecloth from years ago, it has been done in a dark brown. Recently I have purchased some earth Brown(77) and some Brown(14). Neither of these colors are dark enough. Is there any Dark brown available that are not on your chart.. Thanks Mariee

Hi Mariee, thanks for your question. The darkest brown we have now is No.68 Cocoa. Regards Jenny

Do these paints come with a tip cover? Thanks.

Hi, yes they come with the Dome (little lid) that fits over the tip. Regards Jenny

I have previously purchased the following colours. Pink 7, Lime 17, Dark Green 22. Are these colours still available as they do not show up on your listing? Thank you. Julie Moore

Hi Julie, thanks for your question. We haven't had those colours for over 20 years but you can substitute other colours if you like. 7 Pink = 72 Blossom Pink, 17 Lime = 76 Sweet Green, and 22 Dark Green = 73 Fresh Green or 67 Avocado. Trust this helps. Regards Jenny

Just wondering how long does the paint last as l have a blue case from years ago full of the paints as l used to sell it in Geelong.

Hi thanks for the question. The paints last for over 20 years as it is a spirit-based paint. You may need to simply change the ball-point tips and they will be working like new again. Unscrew the old tip using the Tip Wrench or pliers and if the paint flows freely then you can simply screw in a new tip. Keep the paint tubes stored upright in the Tube Toter for maximum life. You can also use Jumbo Tips or squeeze the paint into a glass jar to dilute with the Thinners and use with brushes. Regards Jenny

How does the paint turn out on denim textiles? Will it survive a pass through the washing machine? If lasting, will the paint have a hard textured finish when applied to fabrics? Thank you!

Hi Kyle, thanks for your question. The paint is ideal to go on denim. It will be permanent. It may be a bit stiff when first painted and will soften with washing. Leave for 72 hours after painting and before washing. Regards Jenny

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